
Hi, I’m the Saving Samurai!

My name is Joe, and I’m a 29 year old (as of writing this) former software engineer. I’m the one on the right in the picture.

For years I worked hard and saved a lot in pursuit of financial independence and early retirement (commonly abbreviated FIRE). I realized as I was getting closer to my early retirement financial goals that I might be pursuing something I didn’t even want. In August of 2019 I decided it was time for me to take early retirement for a test drive. Even though I’m not fully retired, I have enough financial runway to take some time off and try out life without a job. I’ve enjoyed it more than I ever expected. Some people would argue that what I’m doing isn’t really retirement. I still work every day, but on my own schedule and on my own projects. I always thought if I got bored then eventually I’d go back to work, but I haven’t gotten bored yet.

So, to supplement my investment income and spread what I’ve learned about saving and investing over the years, I decided to start this blog. In the five years I spent working full time, I averaged a savings rate of about 70% of my income. My original goal was to make it to a $300,000 net worth so I could invest it all and withdraw $1,000 a month to live on. That’s using the 4% rule which assumes a 7% average annual return and a 3% inflation rate so that you can consistently withdraw 4% each year without affecting your principal. Instead, I made it to about $250,000 in net worth when I decided to take the plunge into early retirement. Between the income from my investments, rental property, and my low monthly spending, I’m able to maintain a stable net worth. 

I started this site as a way to share my experiments with saving money and to inspire others to experience the benefits of a frugal lifestyle. I want to share the knowledge of personal finance I’ve gained over the years and show how being money conscious can reduce your carbon footprint, encourage you to learn new skills, make you more self-sufficient, give you financial leverage, help you pay off debt, give you more freedom, and bestow a whole host of other benefits.

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